Is the epic games store making money

is the epic games store making money

Contact: tbardwellfreelance[at]gmail[dot]com or Twitter at TomBWrites. To be clear, no one is upset about Epic Games offering a larger cut of sales to game makers. The list goes on, more than 50 titles total, and includes heavy hitters like The Division 2 and Borderlands 3 , plus pseudo-exclusives like Red Dead Redemption II. As a consumer, you might not, but other people do. They have been extremely stagnant for the past few years, and dare I say on the route to becoming more anti-consumer in some respects.

The argument for Epic Games Store

When the Epic Is the epic games store making money Store was announced in Decemberit seemed to come out of nowhere with big plans and bigger ambitions. While Epic Games has a long and illustrious history in making games, especially shooters — Unreal Tournament, and the free-to-play Fortniteto name just two — the Epic Games online store is the result of several developments for the company. Fortnite has proved a huge money-spinner for Epic, as a massive online game that’s technically free-to-play but comes with numerous cosmetic items and skins you can pay to upgrade your character with ia and has become a global phenomenon off the back of it. Epic had to build up a huge infrastructure makinh managing those transactions, which placed it in good stead for opening its own store for PC and Mac titles. But why open its own video game marketplace? Can’t you get everything on the Steam Store anyway? Read on below for everything you need to know about the Epic Games Store.

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is the epic games store making money
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Make your list and check it twice. Voting will be open for the next 4 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes, 41 secondsand will close on Jan 26, at AM. Tim Sweeney: Epic Games Store is making the industry better but gamers don’t see.

Thread starter Komo Start date Mar 22, Forums Discussion Gaming Forum. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. First Prev 2 of 27 Go to page. Makijg Alt account Banned. Dec 5, 2, Ninja Kn1ght said:. I agree with him, Steam needs competition, having just one dominant store is not great for PC gaming.

Makung Member. Oct 27, 3, Competition is good. Curation is good. More money to the developers is also good. YuriLowell Member. Oct 26, 1, Xharos said:. Madjoki Member.

Oct 25, 4, PogChamp said:. I understand the moneyhatting concerns but what do people think about the cut?

Epkc Member. May 17, 1, Oct 25, 2, Ninja Kn1ght Member. Oct 25, Corky said:. In what way is this ‘competition’ good for me? Setsune Member. Oct 27, I think even the people on-board with the Epic Games Store want Tim, specifically Tim, to stop talking about it for a bit Maintenance Member. Oct 25, 7, Armaros Member. Oct 25, 3, Do you have a source on that?

I was under the impression the lower cut would benefit devs, it seems totally unrealistic for games to become even cheaper for the consumers. This is a great point, Steam is offering more features to the players whereas Epic is offering more liquid cash to the devs. Makes sense. Zushin Member.

Oct 25, Australia. Piss off ya useless chip of rust. Is the epic games store making money Member. Dec 30, 1, I honestly can’t believe him and his dishonesty. Looking at the facts and evidence there is no suggestion whatsoever this is going to benefit the consumer in the long run, this is about HIS store being the leader of the PC market, every strategy undertaken so far has been a negative for consumers.

The cut isn’t the issue here, developers are going there because Epic are throwing large sums of money at them which gives developers full security and puts them in the black instantly without sales and the only reason Tim is doing this is because he wants Epic to be THE store on PC, not one stofe many stores, just THE store.

It’s also funny how he says it will lead to consumers saving money in the long term as if Developers getting extra money means that consumers will suddenly get cut price products, is that how it works with Apple and all these other companies then? Or do we see the opposite? Less innovation and gamez prices with the more money they make? Companies aren’t going to say «Oh well, we are making more money now and this is enough to keep us happy, might as is the epic games store making money give consumers loads of savings.

Deleted member User requested account closure Banned. Nov 10, 8, Locking down the PC platform gamew never mondy good, for gamers or the industry. Omegasquash Member. Oct 31, 3, Apharmd Member. It’s not. And he’s admitted that in past interviews. Epic’s entire pitch so far, the significant part, has been only to publishers. How much extra money gets to developers is questionable. And so that’s a model that doesn’t benefit the industry. Lashley Member.

Oct 25, 32, Nice us vs them narrative. Last week Sweeney said that not the consumers, but the developers will decide who wins the store war and that’s why they aren’t focusing on the consumers. Today the the consumers are somehow not able to see all sore good stuff that Epic is doing for.

I wonder what’s. Piracy again? Developers make more money, then they can stay in business and make more games and you can play. Jroc Member. Jun 9, 1, This is all one big power play to get Episode 3 released. We don’t deserve you Sweeney. Danzflor Member. Oct 27, 1, Blah said:. This isn’t a gamers vs developers issue and the fact that Epic, and you, are making it that is bullshit.

Apharmd said:. Danzflor said:. It pretty much is, Epic Games is also a games developer. And people are getting angry at developers who choose to be in EGS.

How To Get Paid By Epic Games (Prize Money)

What is the Epic Games Store?

So with its huge cash pile, Epic feels like it is still at least somewhat spiritually aligned with the world of the AAA desktop game. This article was edited by Samburaj Das. It doesn’t cost anything to sign up for an Epic Games account, or to download the Epic Games Store application. Playstation exclusivity is stupid because a playstation is just a crappy, slower computer that I’d be putting next to my stoee and hooking up to my TV. They offered a better sotre for developers; taking only 12 percent of the proceeds earned through the sale of games, a much lower cut than the 30 percent procured by Valve. This is the deciding factor as to whether EGS is successful in the long run. Epic has the advantage of having billions in liquid assists and being a household name in terms of gaming and software. However, Deep Silver announced a few weeks before release that the game would be a timed-exclusive on the Epic Games Store, eventually available on Steam a year after release. I am talking shared friend lists, achievements, playtimes and libraries. Most, including Panache, developer is the epic games store making money the recently released Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, refused comment. Timed exclusives were to lead the charge to tempt players .
