Fun things to do and make money

fun things to do and make money

Or, try other sites like Amazon. Filed Under: Make Money. Local plasma centers accept plasma from any healthy adult.

10 More No Spend Weekend Activities

Alex writes:. Your list of free things to do was cool, but I am more interested in hobbies I can take thungs that could actually earn a little. First of all, I excluded things that require significant training in order to be able to pull off. Almost anyone can make a passing attempt at any of these things almost any time. Sure, they might not be very funn, but you can actually do them and you will get better with practice.

2. Record a podcast series.

fun things to do and make money
The internet is a place filled with endless opportunities for frivolous fun. Don’t get us wrong, we love to scroll through our Instagram feeds. But, honestly, there is very little reward at the end of all that double tapping. Which Spice Girl are you? What type of pizza best sums up your personality? Less like a real auction and more like a game show, a penny auction gives you the remote chance of winning expensive items for very little money. QuiBids and DealDash are among the more popular options available.

2. Record a podcast series.

How cool is that?! Be a Mystery Shopper Sing at weddings or other events And honestly, there is no easy answer. From pranksters filming their antics, to chemistry professors sharing their how-to videos, anyone can make money from YouTube.
