Other ways to make money as a personal trainer

other ways to make money as a personal trainer

This section is not a place to sugarcoat your offerings as compared with those of your competitors. Related Articles. People who have never used a personal trainer before may not know what to expect. Here is a potential pricing structure:. Instead, trainers provide clients access to a video or a series of videos in which they can follow on their own.

Making Money As A Personal Trainer

Being a personal trainer or a fitness instructor is a natural fit for anyone who is passionate about exercise and health. The role gives you the chance to teach and support others, helping them to achieve their fitness goals. It can be hard work at times, but it can also be very rewarding. Personal training is also part of the larger health and wellness industry. Ho means there is always a demand for personal trainers. After all, people are always looking for ways to improve their health and lose weight.

Profile of a personal trainer

other ways to make money as a personal trainer
Of course nothing is so simple; a good trainer understands how different exercises and diets will affect the body, and what their trainees need to do achieve their fitness goals. To learn a little about what personal trainers really do beyond the TV stereotype of being more of a drill instructor than a fitness guide, we spoke with Christopher Huffman , CSCS Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Chris runs his own business and been involved with the field for about ten years now. I am a certified personal trainer and strength coach at a private personal training studio. I am the owner of the facility, and we have been in business for about 5 years in Boise, Idaho, currently employing two full time trainers.

You can create an arrangement that uses affiliate links on the internet or discount codes that are entered when someone makes a purchase. Positioning is the perception that people have of you and your business. One tool that can help you organise your thoughts about revenues, expenses and programmes is a mind map. Do not offer free anything in exchange for referrals from your clients. For 6 minutes, hit the gym floor and focus on setting appointments. Create workout subscriptions that give them access to daily workouts. Either way, you get paid for doing very little work. As you create this financial plan, ask yourself how many new members or wats you will pick up each month.
