Do people make money at antique malls

do people make money at antique malls

You may have started with selling physical items as the main and only revenue stream in your booth business, but why stop there? I am fortunate enough to get to visit the mill occasionally. Message 19 of

When selling antiques you not only need to know what you are selling but also how, when and where to sell.

There are loads of venues available for selling antiques, antque online internet auctions, local auction houses, newspaper classified ads, antique dealers, antique fairs, etc. You must also make sure that you keep an open mind when it comes to what you can sell and how you mkae be able to sell it. Of course, there is a profitable way to generate a good income without investing large sums in antique stock that may not sell. This is probably the most popular way to sell antiques and collectables and selling your possessions through a professional antiue is usually an easy and often rewarding experience. With expert advisors on hand to assess the value of your objects and explain the auction process to you in more. Mainly by allowing private buyers and collectors to easily research a broad base of suppliers without having to travel or invest in printed catalogues.

Tips for Sales at Bazaars, Antique Malls, and Vintage Shows

do people make money at antique malls
Selling antiques and collectibles can be profitable, but the overhead of maintaining a shop is prohibitive for some people. One solution is to rent space at an antique mall where individual dealers have separate spaces in a shared building to offset costs. To find the ideal antique mall space for you, follow some basic steps. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 10 references. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading


There are loads of venues available for selling antiques, including online internet auctions, local auction houses, newspaper classified ads, antique dealers, antique fairs, etc. You must also make sure that you keep an open mind when it comes to what you can sell and how you might be able to sell it.

Of course, there is a profitable way to generate a good income without investing large sums in antique stock that may not sell. This is probably the most popular way to sell antiques and collectables and selling your possessions through a professional auctioneer is usually an easy and often rewarding experience. With expert advisors on hand to assess the value of your objects and explain the auction process to you in more. Mainly by allowing private buyers and collectors to easily research a broad base of suppliers without having to travel or invest in printed catalogues.

Auctioneers have also arranged for catalogues to be viewed on their web sites and are allowing users to freely browse, search, download and print auction catalogues free of charge prior to viewing or sale days.

Auction Catalogues are also published on major internet portals including the Antiques Trade Gazette and Invaluable. Good auction houses that invested in internet technology have a very strong internet presence and operate forward thinking policies with continuous investment and improvement.

They do people make money at antique malls sure that your lots are viewed by the largest number of local, national and international buyers, and ensure they achieve the highest sales price possible.

You should make sure you are fully aware of all the charges being applied before you submit your items. You should also check with the auctioneer whether the type of item you are selling has sold in the past and what final price it is likely to achieve. Auctioneers offer a reserve price service, but the terms can vary from auctioneer to auctioneer and you should check individual do people make money at antique malls houses for their specific reserve price terms.

The most popular for buying antiques are probably the largest such as Newark and Swinderby in Lincolnshire and Malvern or Ardingley. For selling and especially if you have only a small quantity of items try selling direct to a local market trader. Make sure you get there early, before the trader is too busy to talk to you.

Then approach them and ask them if they would be interested in buying. Show and then let them handle your item and ask them for a good price. Their first price will probably not be their best so be prepared to negotiate and make sure you have researched your item and know what its approximate worth is depending on the condition its in.

You should contact fair organisers who will be able to tell you the procedure for their particular event and make sure you do so as early as possible as there may be a waiting list. Check — the antiques fairs page for dates. Be prepared to pay a deposit or in some cases the full amount may need to be paid up-front if competition for spaces is fierce.

If possible try to secure a place close to another stall selling similar items as this will attract more collectors to that area. Ensure you present your items in the best way and visit the venue first to check other sellers stands and how they are presented; take photos if you can and price your items with a discount structure in mind.

If you are simply selling in order to reduce clutter then under-cutting the competition is fine; but if you want to do it on a regular basis and are buying stock to sell on, then a knowing your costs and having a good, easily remembered, discount structure is essential. Every potential buyer will ask for a discount and you should know to the penny, how low you can go without losing money. Car boot sales are held in a wide variety of venues, usually fields, school playgrounds or car parks.

They may be advertised on the internet, in the classified columns of certain magazines, local papers, or simply by notices pinned up in your local area. Similar ads can be placed for garage or yard sales or simply place a board outside in the drive. Organisation is key to a good boot sale and even more so for a profitable yard or garage sale. Items need to be clean and well presented and each item priced up separately. Be prepared for hagglers and ensure you know what you are selling.

A little knowledge goes a long way and even more if you know the items personal history. Collectors and dealers love yard sales and will travel miles if there is the chance of finding rare items, so make sure any advert you place includes an indication of what you have to sell. Again, when selling antiques … make sure you know exactly what you are selling. Do your own research and if you feel you have a valuable antique get a professional appraisal and valuation before you sell.

Home Latest Updates Forum Valuations. Your guide to antique pottery marks, porcelain marks and china marks. Selling Antiques When selling antiques you not only need to know what you are selling but also how, when and where to sell. Knowledge is key and understanding your various selling options is essential. Remember ; no-one makes a profit by sitting on their backside. Can you make money without spending vast sums buying antiques?

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How to Make Money at an Antique Mall, a Discussion while rearranging my booth.

Your stuff looks fantastic, as always!! About the Author Lee Grayson has worked as a freelance writer since When you said the woman «couldn’t tell» you, I thought you meant that she didn’t know. Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. Just sell stuff you think is cool. This doesn’t seem logical, but it absolutely happens. If you have an antique mall near you that you feel good about, put mals name on the waiting list for a booth.
