![black desert online best way to make money through cooking black desert online best way to make money through cooking](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-NOmbwfBxfc/maxresdefault.jpg)
Cooking is one of the most profitable lifeskills in BDO, but it’s far from simple. You can cook beer from corn, potato, barley, wheat and sweet potato, make sure you have workers on these nodes and don’t sell your stockpile! The developers are trying This is probably the best guide I’ve seen regarding cooking. Titles that last You can re-list them when you have a full stack.
I did little to the guide but added pictures and a bit of formatting. Thanks Biohack!! I will update this Money Making Guide with any new updates from the money maker. You can see for yourself by following Biohack on Twitch and Reddit. The general concepts in this guide are accurate as of Nov The numbers especially in the active income segment are no longer accurate and there are certainly ways to make over M an hour as of the end hlack Lifeskill mastery will have large implications for the content here when it is released.
Actively Making Money By Grinding
Started by MrsDark , 11 Apr Posted 11 Apr So I recently hit professional 1 cooking and honestly don’t know how to make huge amounts of cash. I really enjoy the cooking skill itself which is why I leveled it up but now I can figure out how to make money other than milk tea. Don’t know how good Milk Tea is in professional 1 because I haven’t mass produced it since around skilled 10 also don’t know if that would make a difference. Posted 11 Apr edited. The profits have all been made by the early cooks back when food prices were much higher.
Greedy Goblin
Started by MrsDark11 Apr Posted bset Apr So I recently hit professional 1 cooking and honestly don’t know how to make huge amounts of cash. I really enjoy the cooking skill itself which is why I leveled it up but now I can figure out how to make money other than milk tea. Don’t know how good Milk Tea is in professional 1 because I haven’t mass produced it since around skilled 10 also don’t know if that would make a difference.
Posted 11 Apr edited. The profits have all been made by the early cooks back when food prices were much higher. Posted 12 Apr Sorry to disappoint, but since the only way of making money through cooking is through player2player trade through the use of the Markeplace you yhrough rarely find people who willingly and publicly share their ways of making money with Cooking, as the reason why they are making money is because they have few «competitors».
I’m Artisan 4 in Cooking, and I bext tell you that Milk Tea is one of the least profitable recipes around it is still profitable hlack, compared to the vast majority of recipes — even at low levels. And no, I won’t share my knowledge on. Posted 12 Apr edited. Well if you fish, maybe save those normal grade ones and dry it then use it to make good feed? I always sell a batch of like 30 and they go away once it’s on the market. But you gotta stack up on them meats which lets you lvl up your gathering.
Also if you were wanting to do something with cooking to begin with it would still cost you energy. I cookig alts so energy is not really my concern. When I go active coooking, I save few normal grade ones and dry them to save deserrt so I always have those in stocks as. Not to mention but when you dry 1 fish you could have outcome of 4. I strongly advise you to stop making Good Feed. I don’t even know why people buy it at per piece for a recovery of 40 Coo,ing when they could buy the Cheap Feed for silver for a recovery of 6 Satiety from any stable vendor.
Nor do I but they come along once in awhile, so if I were afk fishing, I would never see them but like I said, if I were active fishing, I would save. Butchering Weasels, Grinding starch and Drying fishes all require Energy points to.
On top of the Energy point for cooking the dish. Or, add the «cost» in Beers of the Workers you need to «pay» for their labour. Finally, add silver for the 3x Water 30 each and the use of the Cooking Station 10 per use.
Revenue which needs to be compared to the Energy cost for making the product really high. TL;DR: don’t just assume that because you sold 20x Cheap Feed and got k Silver out of those from the Marketplace you’ve actually «gained» money. THEN you need to consider if the amount of Energy required to make the product couldn’t be spent elsewhere, to make something onlins profitable.
Througn you for breaking everything down for me. I agree with you and just to clear it up but I don’t religiously make good feed to sell to the market so when I do one fishing session I probably have about 8 dryfish come back with me that I. Depend on my mood and if I have the mats already I would make good feed for my pets, which I have in quite large number and what gest is left vest my cutoff number, I sell.
So yeah if you were cooking do this for money alone, you black desert online best way to make money through cooking see much profit. But like you said, I could be better off selling all the mats. And no my gathering is professional 2, cooking skilled 9 and my alts processing is skilled 7, so I get quite good outcome when I hunt meats or process wheat. Also I find it enjoyable to cook, so profit is not always my number one concern.
Oh jake, please don’t misunderstand my original post, I was simply sharing thruogh with the OP on what else one can do with cooking, but like my earlier post, I do agree with you that good feed is not as profitable and OP has already stated that she doesn’t think blafk.
It’s by no means ideal, but it’s a way to combat the price comparison, because you’re literally creating something out of. EDIT: Olnine not saying you can’t make money out of Cooking: you can, but you need to invest a considerable amount of time researching all your stuff. And even then it will potentially net you less than what you’d gain through, vest example, Gathering. I only cook now because I like the badge on top of my head.
If I wasn’t ranked I would had stopped a long time ago in favor of other activities such as Fishing or Gathering. I enjoy being able to say «Everybody got XP food? I admit I haven’t hardcore number-crunched in couple of weeks. Exactly what I’m doing right. Trying onlinne find what food gives me the most money through a spreadsheet. Pretty much agree with the OP here, and Hihey about people not wanting to share theirtricks? Im the same as well really. Little i did know that 2 days later the autopath feature came out and all the carrots got sold black desert online best way to make money through cooking.
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Money from Cooking? Started by MrsDark11 Apr money cooking. So my question is, whats the best way to make money from cooking? Share this post Link to post Share cookingg other sites.
Sad but true. Edited 11 Apr by Snarf. Cooking is just like the other crafting in the game AFK fishing. No fees, no energy reqs, no. But you gotta stack up on them mzke which say you lvl up your gathering too Edited 12 Apr by Yunarin. Also I trade green bbest too, I was talking normal grade like fourfinger threadfin. Edited 12 Apr by Yunarin.
You mean dry fish and weasel meats? Only then you can finally say that you’ve actually «achieved» something through cooking.
Biohack’s BDO Money Making Guide
Privacy Policy. You will also soon realize that the more you want to craft at once, the more the monej weight you can carry will affect that ability. While you don’t have to «grind» repetitively perform actionschannel tgrough, wait 10 mins, list, repeat bothered me a lot. Published Feb. In this article Depending on what you catch, you’re looking at anywhere from 20k to a few million a horse. It’s not the first MMO to introduce such a system of course, Currently I’m wealth top 3, you can find me Gevlon online practically all time on the European server Usually Balneos 1 to verify that I’m indeed very rich. For example, if one needs to leave the house within an hour, one should plan a processing activity tjrough approximately that long, deswrt one is employing some type of remote control on their PC via apps or similar. This resets the workers and allows them to continue working their respective jobs. Training this skill consists of chopping down Titles that last It varies because there’s different teirs of horses but that doesn’t much matter.
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