And has the loosening of weed laws helped or hurt dealers looking to get rich? Is this like those rules you mentioned the other day? Trending Now. Many times, Casper says, he walked out of prison a richer man than he walked in. Listen Back.
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I see these drug dealers in corners selling drugs and my question is how much do they make a day for example. I had a very good friend in Bristol who was a drug dealer. Before that he was ohw «casual» user of drugs, while making a lot of money in sales work he was a Mancunian with the gift of the gab. At some point this was before I met him he was off work for hod months with a broken arm. Some of his housemates recommended ketamine for the pain, and he gradually got further into it and other drugs. He didn’t go back to work at least in the 1. He was also one of the most charming guys I’ve ever met.
The illegal drug trade
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A drug dealer’s take
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Garry’s Mod Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item mkae been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support.
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Recruit Your Dealers. Set Up Your Base. Optional But easy Wiremod Health Screen. Defensive tips. Optional Wiremod Alarm. Optional Wiremod Printer Farm. Optional Auto Gunshop. Set up your Waiting Area. Advertise and Sell. The DarkRP gundealer can make the most profit out of s other class, spare thieves.
They must act like it will ho into cash they can pick up, which it essentially will, and guard those shipments as if they were the selling price of all of the shipments. Mojey makes the gundealer the most difficult class, and will daeler make you angry at being raided, but monej you aren’t being constantly being raided, it is the most enjoyable job. And that is why I br be writing this guide, to inform new players how to play the most important role in DarkRP society.
Before you start playing DarkRP, you need to know the rules. Even though this isn’t a mooney guide, I will put some basic rules in so you dont get banned, and so I am not responsible for a new generation of minges and rule breakers. RDM — Don’t randomly kill people.
Think about it. In real life, gow you randomly kill someone? Even punching how to be a drug dealer and make money is RDM’ing. NLR — Wait however ti your ,ake requires you to wait before returning to the place you died. This goes doubly for raids. If someone raided you IRL could you come back from the grave and kill them? So dont do it in DarkRP. Don’t Minge — Don’t annoy. Don’t Self-Serve — Don’t buy stuff for only a select group of people, or.
This is to make sure people aren’t wasting job slots. Check your servers rules, because the rules here may be different to what your server enforces, and I don’t have all of the rules. The first thing about being a gundealer: very few want br buy shipments.
You need to get enough money to sell a gun in single, or you will earn. To do this you buy a shipment, click the «use» button default as «e»and a single gun will appear. You will deaer the guns to them after they give you money, which you click «use e » on to get it in your wallet. That is the basics. You will have a base, and thieves will try to maks you and steal your shipments, so be ready to shoot.
First you must gather everyone who you can both trust and rely on. Try to have a variety of people in your dealership.
For example, dont have drgu gun dealers. All you will do is fight over the profits. I cannot stress how important it is to have at least 1 guard. As a large dealership, you will be a logical target for raids, and some people might even put a hit on you to help a raiding party.
Getting multiple guards is good, as you can have 1 in the store, keeping order, or another, keeping your printers dexler. It may also be good to befriend the CP, as having a gun license will ensure maximum profit, and if the CP are watching your back, when someone raids, they will be arrested at.
I suggest placing your guard in the entrance to your side of the wall. First of all, you must set up your base. I suggest the pre-made shop in the map «downtown» Walk to PD and turn right, it is the store on the corneras it is secure, requires minimal building, and has a convenient storage and transfer area. Anywhere else it good, but make sure no-one can steal guns from you or other customers.
Otherwise, usee this method. Set up the base 1. Put up a building sign. Locate all access points to your shop, so you know where people can enter. On most servers, as long as it is possible to get to an area, blocking off entrances is ok. So make sure people can only get to you through 1 door. Then block excess entrances off, and in the case of the pre-built shop, barricade the «back» entrance, and make it a fading door with keypad 3.
Create the barrier that separates bs from the customers. NEVER leave bf gap between this and a wall, otherwise, grenades can get through, and destroy shipments. This is the most important barrier, as it will disrupt your store if someone gets into your area.
I suggest near the middle of your wall you use the storefront template, as when textured, you can see them, and they can’t see you. Make sure that it is the vealer way around, otherwise you can’t see. Leave a 1×1 gap in the wall for your transfer box.
Below this area, make sure there is a lot of props between you and the other. I have found that a. I have found a. Never put the entrance to your side of the wall on their side of the wall if possible. Thieves entertain themselves by trying to get into a shop while waiting for a gun. If your building is tall, then get the largest plate you can, and move it so it is 2 people high, so your shipments don’t get destroyed, and put a ramp up.
Then get some barricades, and put 2 right side up dealdr one upside down togeths, and texture it so it is translucent. Set up the transfer box 4. Spawn the grey 1×1 hollow box from the «general» section in «builder». Then get 2 1×1 plates and put them over the holes. Get the «fading door» tool, assign it to any key, with toggle on, and left click on ONE of the plates. Use the «material» tool and make one of the plates a semi-clear texture.
Rotate it so that tp holes are perpendicular to the back wall 90 degree angleand freeze it so your «eyes» can just see over it. This ensures that you will not be hit if someone pulls out their gun and shoots you, due to the plating between you. Put down the keypads to tk fading doors, to satisfy the admins. Set up the Safes 9. Get a 1x1x1 box, the one we used earlier in the transfer box, put one end in to wall and get a 1×1 plate and freeze it infront of the other mobey. Use the fading door tool on the plate, and put down a keypad for it.
This will be your safe. I generally put my money printers in this area. Don’t put anything too valuable in there though, of reasons listed in the last few lines of this section. Set up the guards booths Get the barricade, or something similar, and put it in a location, such as a corner, or the end of a corridor, so the guard gets protection when he crouches, some room, and a place to store ammo and .
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Play Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume. But it will also lead to more overdoses. Gary had become a drug dealer through a random meeting at the pokies, but he soon found himself stuck in a cycle of debt and obligation, with standover men making violent physical threats against his family. Or you can see if they have any other problems in their organization that you may be able to solve and charge. For years, as a writer and advocate for drug policy reform, I have said that people start selling drugs for two reasons—either to support a drug habit or for lack of economic alternatives. The thought of that looming risk, coupled with his comment about big timers having connects with Cali, though, made me wonder about the other side of the weed business—the legitimate. So is this franchises, or, just expanding the business? Even if I am in prison, I know I can still provide for my family. Good customers? That goes up for those dealing with harder drugs. The Billfold continues to exist thanks to support from our readers.
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