How to make money like linda ikeji

how to make money like linda ikeji

It’s a welcome development.. That is N6 million in one month. I wouldn’t know about others but it hasn’t worked well for me.

Reader Interactions

It is no longer news that one of the most popular blogger in Africa, Linda Ikeji just got herself a brand new mansion in Banana Island which is one of the most expensive neighborhood in the world. But what is now news is how people are going about discussing it on the social network, lindq on Nairaland. Comments I read on Nairaland today really got me sick, in fact sick to my very bone. These comments only confirm one thing, the level of ignorance that exist among Nigerian internet users. These sorts likf mindsets how to make money like linda ikeji the reason Naij. None actually realize how much that site is earning monthly.

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how to make money like linda ikeji
As you will know, Linda Ikeji is one of the most famous bloggers in Nigeria. Recently, she launched a social media LindaIkejiSocial. Now, the question is… how is she making her money? I am not trying to probe her, rather we are seeing her as a role model to many new bloggers who are still searching for ideas to hang on. She started blogging since

How To Make Money From Blogging Like Linda Ikeji [REVEALED] — Celebrities — Nairaland

As you will know, Linda Ikeji is one of the most famous bloggers in Nigeria. Recently, she launched a social media LindaIkejiSocial. Now, the question is… how is she making her money? I am not trying to probe her, rather we are seeing her as a role model to many new bloggers who are still searching for ideas to hang on. She started blogging since By that time, only few people knew about bogging. She was exposed to the business earlier than most of us.

As a celebrity then, her status really help her to get followers and fans who eventually became her blog readers. Yes, not only that, one thing made her very successful in blogging. Since then, she has been so consistent by publishing current entertainment news and gossip.

Linda Ikeji giveaway how to make money like linda ikeji another strategy she used to increase her readers. You know how Nigerians like free money.

Everyone started sleeping on her blog. Of course, you know that the currency to internet income is web traffic. So when everyone rushed to her blog to read the latest entertainment gossips. Yes, like I said… more web traffic means more money.

See the lindaikejisblog. Yes… because her blog has a lot of traffic, big brands and companies now see her blog as a hub to showcase their products and services.

She now ends up charging premium prices for banners ad slots as well as sponsored posts. But no offense whatsoever! You will also see her making use of all nooks and carnies of her blog for advertisement so as to meetup with the many advertisers who is begging her for a slot. Sometimes if you enter lindaikejisblog. As in seriously, she is making money like water.

Google AdSense: This is one of her most sustaining income source even when the blog was not this popular. My friend, it could be more because she has a very good US audience reading her blog.

Banner Adverts: You cant really figure out the amount she is making from banner advertisement. But from many unsubstantiated reports, she is making at least N3 million from top banners alone every day. Custom Adverts in sidebars : Linda Ikeji makes as much as N6 million every month by placing like 12 custom ads. Linda ikeji blog advert rates is N, each per month. These ads are paid directly by companies or agencies. Site takeover: This is the large background image when you visit lindaikejisblog.

Sponsored Post: According to reports, Linda Ikeji charges N50, for sponsored post, and she accepts about 5 — 10 sponsored posts everyday that brings in her potential income Nk. Tags: Linda Ikeji.

I will blog on evergreen niche because i cannot cope with entertainment because it needs lot of time, beside am a student. Thank you sir.

Your email address will not be published. Enter your email address below to receive fresh internet business each time we publish new content. Make Money Online. Google AdSense display on LindaIkejisblog. About the Author Ifiokobong Ibanga is a life coach, a mentor and an inspirational speaker.

He like testing ideas to find out what works. Sure, he has made substantial income online, so he’s knowledgeable enough to teach you. Chat Ifiokobong Ibanga on Facebook. March 29, at am. March 20, at pm. March 20, at am. February 2, at pm. Ifiokobong says:. February 4, at am. Wise says:. January 27, at pm. January 29, at pm. January 26, at pm. Privacy guaranteed. We never share your info.

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