First Class Ragnarok Namespaces Article Talk. Again, having more showtimes during a weekend means only one thing. Marvel had these building blocks where they literally created something that audiences were intrigued by and then got hooked on and had to follow.
Judging ro the current climate of comic films which of these juggernaut teams vs the Avengers do you think would make the most money at the BO. For some reason I feel like Justice League vs Avengers would be a bad movie. X-Men vs Avengers would probably be bad too but I’m leaning towards it. Probably JLA vs Avengers. This is JLA box office thread all over again JL vs Avengers of course.
The not-so-golden age
DC Comics and Marvel Comics have been going head-to-head for decades. Yet, nothing stokes geek rage like the argument over which superhero team would win in a fight: DC’s Justice League or Marvel’s the Avengers. Which team would win in a fight? You cannot be a comic nerd and not have asked who would win in a fight—the Justice League or the Avengers? It’s a debate that has nearly torn the staff at The Tylt apart. So here’s how we want you to approach it. What’s up for debate is which team would win in a fight.
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Judging by the current climate of comic films which of these juggernaut teams vs the Avengers do you think would make the most money at the BO. For some reason I feel like Justice League vs Avengers would be a bad movie. X-Men vs Avengers would probably be bad too but I’m leaning towards it.
Probably JLA vs Avengers. This is JLA box office thread all over again JL vs Avengers of course. But overall I think it would come off gimmicky. I honestly don’t see a AvsJL movie ever happening. Do you really think Marvel fans skipped TDK.
Or DC fans skipped DP? These movies already own us. That’s where most of the money comes. Not us. I believe the X-MEN are more popular with. And it would come mmore as a natural fit due to them already being ro part of the MU. Instead of gimmicky. There was a time when the JLvsA would have been the bigger draw. That’s long past. Justice League, coming off a negatively received BvS still made more money than it.
JL vs Avengers would make more money for sure. This will have nothing to do with the last 15 years of X-MEN movies. The main ones will be there but overall it will be who will make more money thor or justice league very fresh X roster.
And the hype surrounding the rebooting and recasting of those characters who’s been around so long will get a ton of press. Right mustice within the current climate of comic movies the hypothetical Justice Monney vs Avengers would lose to the real X-MEN, Avengers cross over that’ll be released within the ,oney few years. Marvel will win regardless. What a fail. I knew full well the JL would get a ton of votes regardless. I’m surprised now the votes are so close.
Sorry, but I do not agree that Avengers vs X-Men would be the bigger draw. Both would undoubtedly be huge, but DC movies are still bringing in more people than X-Men movies.
From highest to lowest; numbers via BoxOfficeMojo — please feel free to double check the math, it’s totally possible I could’ve made an error. We could speculate that Justice League being the lowest earning DCEU film jusice a bad sign for the franchise’s future it did, however, earn a better audience score than BvS and SSbut that would be pure speculation and it’s worth noting that future films appear to give creators Wan, Jenkins, Reeves, Spielberg more control and they are trying to cast a wider net for audiences.
By that same standard, we would also have to look at the drop between DoFP and Apoc. But again, it’s pure speculation since we do not know how Dark Phoenix and New Mutants will perform, just like we don’t know how Aquaman and Shazam! But we do know that Deadpool 2 and Wonder Woman 2 are pretty much guaranteed hits.
We’ll just have to wait and see about the rest. True the DCEU first five made more money but what factors were involved.
People was calling BvS and JL «historical events» because it was the first time these popular heroes ever met on the big screen. Not only that but the advertising budgets for these films were insane. The average advertising budget for a block buster is mil. MoS had a mil adv. It’s the highest in the history of WB. Have you heard MoS only made 42mil in profit though it grossed mil ww? The insane advertising budget.
Now already the first ever JL movie flopped? WB has removed JL2 off the schedule? It’s not always about what’s on paper. It’s about momentum. And DC’s is straight down the crapper. They’re on full damage control mode doing everything in there power to not go belly up. They’ve already wasted the first time factor.
And crapped on there reputation with bad movies as. It’s just downhill for DC at this point. It would be close regardless. And on average DC films are making more than X-Men. But, that doesn’t represent the clear declining. You would think that having WW and jusrice more characters in a movie would create more interest right? But, clearly that isn’t the case. The GA is a lot more well informed now and they would spot a JL vs Avengers movie as a clear soulless cash grab.
I believe it will receive a high RT score and do poorly. Like you said, it’s all speculation at this point. It’ll be interesting to see how those compare to Aquaman thpr Shazam. WW got word of mouth on its side, multiple viewings, two major keys to great B. Which would again backup my point about the quality of the movie actually playing a part to box office success. I’d rather have marvel v DC fighting game. Stuff like Suicide Squad is not easy to forget Wouldn’t be surprised if X-Men vs Avengers would be more successful since it would be developed on and actually matter, but now mpney I think about it the other movie would involve a much wider audience.
Please Log In to post. Easily JL vs AV. Gets fans from both sides and tons of press. Avengers vs X-Men. Comic Vine Forums Gen. Discussion Browse Boards Gen. Don’t post to forums Gen. Bring back the main forum list. Use your keyboard!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Background leagus indicates films playing in the week commencing 17 January in theaters around the world. Captain America: The First Avenger Film Expand the sub-menu. Avengers: Endgame. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Domestic, opening and most likely eventual WW figures will still be JL just slightly. These two are pretty evenly matched. Incredibles 2 I myself am looking more forward to Thor than Justice League. Overall, heading into the weekend, the social chatter was positive, spurred by fans of the book. And it is unclear if Cyborg, another hero from «Justice League,» will find his way to the big mae. But generally, Marvel films are more likely to have consensus positive and most favorable reviews. A lot of people do not even bother going to weekend premiers of huge films because every single showing is taken up a week before the film is released.
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